Sunday, January 18, 2009

a shout out

testing testing...

just so you guys know, i am indeed what they call, an IT-idiot. technology to me is like a bed of needles;-uncomfortable. and i might have very huge problems if my comm class continue to have such emphasis on technology like having your own websites, video editting and so on. BUT i will persist and attempt to befriend technology.

therefore, dont expect anything visually nice in this blog. this is like the basic of all basic blogs. and even so, i had some help from my cousin with creating this. (dont start yelling that creating a blog is idiot-proof..its not). so this is the best that it could be. until i get friendlier with this whole blogspace..and MIGHT just add a thing or to. if not, my opinion is all that you will get from this black little space. enjoy.

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